
The Kansas Pipeline Association is a non-profit organization consisting of hazardous liquid, natural gas transmission, and natural gas distribution companies that have operations in the state. 

Our purpose:
To promote damage prevention, educate, and plan proper response techniques with emergency official agencies across the state.

Our goal: 
To be free of injury and third party damages accomplished through safe pipeline operations, outreach, and educational programs to stakeholders affected by pipelines in Kansas.

Kansas Pipeline Mileage Overview

According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), there are approximately 47,388 miles of underground pipeline and 949,516 residences and businesses served by natural gas distribution companies.  Following is detail of the underground infrastructure in Kansas.

System TypeMileage
Hazardous liquid11,093
Gas transmission14,196
Gas gathering28
Gas distirbution (949,516 total services)22,021
Total Mileage47,338


Table extracted from: http://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/comm/reports/safety/KS_detail1.html
Report generated on: 04/02/14

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Kansas Pipeline Awareness